Designed by Broersen & Lukács and inspired by the fairy tale film Avatar, this intricate pattern embodies a mesmerizing mélange of legend, fable, myth and storytelling. “Let your imagination travel and bloom in an imaginary web of knotted nocturnal foliage permeating everyday life with possibility”
One Square tile 48 x 48 cm |18.9” x 18.9”
One Hexagon tile 57,8 x 50 cm | 22.75” x 19.68”
  • Category Tiles

Broersen & Lukács

Persijn Broersen and Margit Lukács are artists based in Paris and Amsterdam.They produce a myriad of works- including architecture, wallpapers, murals, fashion, video, animation and graphics- that reflect on the ornamental nature of a society dictated by virtual media, for we tend to experience the world around us substantially via the boundless, timeless and flattened universe of our screens.


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