We all have childhood memories of playing with sand on beaches, creating all kinds of creatures, shapes and forms. Something magical happens there in the sand which drives our imagination. The nature of sand is known for its fluidity and cohesion. These carpets show the intensity between its natural behaviour, its gravity and the manipulation of shaping patterns. Shining a light on what you want to focus on to reveal the natural beauty of the elements. Sand shaping is by definition a sensorial experience. Repeat width x length 394 x 394 cm | 155.12" x 155.12"
  • Category Wall to wall

Sjoerd Vroonland

Sjoerd Vroonland is a master of revised crafts and a remarkable furniture designer. Best known for his “extension chair” that became an instant icon of the Dutch Design label MOOOI. As a designer he is always thinking on two fronts: sincere construction and sensorial experience. Using form language to show simply how a piece is made. While at the same time engaging all the senses by applying generous loving attention to detail in shape, material and touch. 


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